So I've not been ignoring my beloved Faroe Islands, despite my lack of Faroe Friday posts in the last several months. And there's big news on that front as well. In just a few days, I'll be traveling to the Faroe Islands again. I'll be gathering more information for future podcasts, and taking lots of mediocre pictures as well.
When do you leave? Funny you should ask. I've installed a countdown clock on my sidebar that will hit zero when my first flight takes off on Tuesday. (Despite how it looks, my trip will not start in Salem, that's just how the program denotes the time zone the countdown starts in. Confusing, I know, but there's nothing I can do about it now.)
So check back in this spot over the next week or two and I'll post updates from the Faroes and pictures and anything else I can find.
Hope you're all well. I know I really need to post more here.