Saturday, October 10, 2009


Still having issues getting a clear image of little Eliza in her "baby friendly" environment. So all I can offer you today are a trio of dark and out-of-focus images. Hopefully the sassy tongue photo above is enough to make up for the lack of quality.

More photos of similar "quality" have been added at the facebook photo album.
Today's video is of even more limited appeal. I features Eliza doing absolutely nothing for two minutes. She sneezes at 1:16, so that's something. And, like the photos, the video is dark and the focus is somewhat dubious. It's here only because neither set of grandparents are here yet, and grandparents love to stare at their grandkids doing nothing. This one's for you, Mom...

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Wanda says, "She's beautiful ... I guess we'll keep her."

    I have a question, though. Why is she wearing a burkha? That isn't what I would expect from you and Julie. Is it hospital policy? A new fashion statement?

    Judy is looking forward to seeing and holding her soon. It will be a sharp transition from our 50th high school reunion where we were kissing and hugging old people. She had bragging rights as the newest grandmother, but that paled when some classmates started telling about their great-grandchildren. I still can't believe it.

    Eliza is cute. With her lungs, she'll keep up with her noisy brothers. Now I understand a little better how Gwen1 developed her "presence".

    Thanks for the photos and video.

