Julie and I keep a clean house, really we do. Here's a typical image of our
living room.

Yes, there are many toys around, but it's all fairly neat and organized. But then...

...the boys are unleashed on the room, and things change very quickly. Now you may think hat the mess that happens in this room is a product of the process of children playing with toys and discarding them. The typical wear and tear that comes with kids. If you think that, you'd be wrong. Our mess is part of a deliberate campaign of chaos launched by Nate and Will. Nate gets the work of destruction started by knocking over a set of very carefully stacked blocks.

(Yeah, that's kind of entrapment.) Then Will heads to the fireplace to start scattering children's books.

Nate moves on to the play wall to remove these little rattle things.

And before you know it, will is actually
eating books.

With no children's books left to scatter/eat, Nate heads to the bookshelf to start hurling
my books.

Soon, it's absolute anarchy in the
living room...

But after trashing everything else in the room, Will has an idea...

There's one thing that hasn't been grabbed/chewed/flung...

Yes, there's a shiny digital camera that could really use a liberal dose of baby drool...

Will, stop it... Will...
Labels: babies, pictures, twins
I'd also like to point out, these boys are dressed for destruction in that desert camo. I'm sure you staged that on purpose :) Loved this post!
Wonderful! I'm glad you let them have free rein to be curious and 'destructive'. It's horrible when parents don't compromise on the house and stop their children from playing like that.
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