
Monday, February 05, 2007


It has been brought to my attention that I have left the poo-nami thread hanging for more than a month. This is an attempt to remedy that.

If you recall, I was nervous because we were about ready to step onto a plane when neither of our kids had pooped in almost a week. Bad luck and bad karma dictated that a disaster was looming. Fortunately for all, Nate and Will actually slept through most of the flight and the plane never smelled like an outhouse.

So what became of the expected poo-storm? It did arrive, but I was lucky enough to be at work when it happened. The stink of it did linger around the home for some time, however.

Since then, the boys have triggered several poo-namis, so much so that I feel they may be agents of the devil. You see, these boys like to poop at church. They say the smell of Satan is the smell of sulfur, and this morning, Will filled a chapel with a stench much worse. It is quite likely that the faith of many good Mormons was shaken at that moment. I know mine was.

The poops and farts are much more toxic these days because we are introducing new foods every week or so. Here we see Nate and Will after eating a pile of whatever nasty glop we feed them.

I liked things better when we just fed them bottles. You would take a kid, cuddle him up to you... he'd suck it down, puke some of it back up, and you were done. Nice. Straightforward. Relatively clean.

But now that they're eating solids (if that's what you call wallpaper paste), feeding time is an all-out assault on the senses. The smell of the stuff can be pretty nasty, then some baby will stick his hand on the stuff and then touch you, coating your hand with an orange slime that scars the mind as well as the skin.

How is sight affected? Well...Will has been getting a lot of stuff on his face, and it's not a very appealing sight. Then there's Nate:Nate gets less stuff on his face, because he sometimes goes on hunger strikes, apparently to protest the food... like we're feeding him prison meatloaf or something. The fact is, he's right, this food is complete crap. But he's too young to know that. Either we have a very advanced child, or one royal pain in the butt. Too early to tell just yet.

As for me, I guess I should be less concerned about how nasty the food is going in, and work on trying to be out of the house when it comes back out. Because we all know that the poo-nami could strike anywhere, at any time. And when that happens, "duck and cover" ain't going to cut it.

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At 8:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly I have no idea how you tell them apart.

At 4:55 pm, Blogger thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...

On a completely unrelated note, a friend sent me a link today that brought to mind an entry you posted a couple months back (a la Ben Folds, a rap song, and your scholastic interpretation). As I'm too lazy to search for the post, I'll leaving the link here.


At 8:02 am, Blogger imitate said...

Your babies always looked surprised (albeit in such a way that you just want to kiss on their little baby heads).


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