This week's Faroe photo is of Trøllkonufingur, or "witch's finger." It's was taken by Faroe Man and is part of a photo set that can be found at the home page for the Faroe Islands Podcast. Enjoy.
Labels: Faroe Islands
More Mush from the Mind of Matthew Workman: Commentary, Baby Photos, and an Unhealthy Fascination With the Faroe Islands
Labels: Faroe Islands
I haven't left you. Really. I've been sick and now I'm buried under a big project.
Every now and then I feel the need to pick at the wound that is my 15 months in Texarkana.
This week's Faroe Photo is a snowy image of Torshavn. A series of storms has dumped a lot of the white stuff on the Faroese capitol. And Faroe Man was there to get some pictures of the sunny aftermath. The large white building on the left side of the picture is the building housing the national TV and radio stations. Just thought you'd want to know.
Also, episode three of the podcast is online. You can listen on iTunes or download it from our blog, at http://faroepodcast.blogspot.com/.
Labels: Faroe Islands
Julie is out of town on business and missing the little guys. So normally I'd post a great big pile of new photos to help ease the pangs. But photos of Nate and Will aren't easy to come by these days. Still photography isn't really the medium that works best with these two.
Labels: little guys, pictures, twins
There's no telling how long it will be until the thugs at the RIAA have this thing pulled from YouTube, so enjoy it while you can.
Labels: Faroe Islands, Podcast
This meme has been floating through facebook, and I eventually got tagged. So I'll post it here as well. The assignment is simply to post 25 random facts about yourself. Well, ok...