
Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Today's post is the product of two people's suggestions.

The first comes from my friend Marc, who said it was time to upgrade to a better camera. You see, some of my earlier posts featured some less-than-focused pictures of the twins. For years, we've had a nice point and shoot camera, but it's not great for close up shots or low light photos. For instance, look at how awful this photo is... Sure, I'm seen playing with Will, but any astute observer will immediately notice that there is a clear lack of megapixels in this image. Same with this photo...

I know, I know, you're looking at this picture and thinking, "what is this crap?" No more will you, fair reader, have to suffer such indignities any more, because we've got a new camera, and we're going to use it.

But first, let's discuss the other suggestion. It wasn't a suggestion as much as a smart alec comment. My friend Pat is one of the best drummers I know and occupies an elite spot on my sidebar. But he had a baby earlier this year (actually, his wife had the kid, Pat just watched) and his blog has basically turned into a shrine to his kid. So now, just because I've mercilessly made fun of him for this, he feels it's time to turn the tables. So he has accused me of turning my site into a baby shrine.

This is unfair, because I actually write about things other than the unbelievable cuteness of my kids. Pat? Not so much. And that's all the more remarkable because my kids are cuter than his. This is perfectly illustrated by these new, higher resolution images of my kids. Before I got this new camera, you never could have seen the drool streaming down Will's cheek. Has Ruby drooled this cutely? It seems unlikely. And don't get me started on Nate... Still soulful, still cute, but with less drool.

"Is that a macro lens you're using, Matt?" you ask.

Yes, it is.

"How close can you get with that thing?"

I don't know, let's see.

"Egad, that's close! Which kid is that?"

I don't remember.

"Back up and get a shot of the both of them."


"Wow, they really are cuter than Pat's kid!"

That's what I'm saying.

"Pat only has one kid, right?"


"Don't you feel sorry for him?"

Every single day.

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At 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, my brother.

Now that's some close up viewing. I can almost feel the drool... in stereo.

I too, feel sorry for all the sorry folk out there with less-than-cute kids, creating sub-par photographic memories.

It's sad.

At 2:20 pm, Blogger Platypus said...

As usual you made me laugh! Beautiful pics of beautiful babies. :)

At 1:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was to say somehow get my hands on a signed photo of Walter Cronkite and 5 thousand in cash, could I have one of them? I'll even take the one that drools the most.

At 2:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider it poor taste to foist pictures of one's children on other people.

At 9:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I got the same turtle.


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