More Mush from the Mind of Matthew Workman: Commentary, Baby Photos, and an Unhealthy Fascination With the Faroe Islands
This weekend the Faroes are all abuzz over the impending arrival of former President Bill Clinton. He's speaking at the Nordic House. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but it has s turn roof, so there's obviously something pretty cool about it. Clinton will be speaking w
Labels: Faroe Islands
The Parade of Guests (TM) here has cut into my writing time, but I thought I should try to share something this week that isn't about babies or the Faroe Islands.
Labels: pictures
It was a quick turnaround, but it was good to have her here anyway. My sister spent less than 18 hours here, but she did get in some quality time with her nephews.
As I ready more about the Faroe Islands, I'm struck by how many abandoned villages there are, and how many ways they get wiped out. Some get nailed by a rock slide. Others come down with a touch of the Black Death. One village had to be abandoned when a boat wreck killed all of the male inhabitants.
One such place is Gásadalur. This village is home to about a dozen people, but is in danger of depopulating. Until a few years ago, Gásadalur was completely isolated from the rest of the islands. Anyone going to or from the village would have to hike over a mountain, or by boat in a very small harbor.
Now a tunnel connects the village to the rest of the island's road network, and that's making it easier for people to leave.
It seems like there are a lot of places like this in the Faroes, small villages with just a small handful of residents. In the next 20 years, perhaps they'll be abandoned. I hope I get to see them before that happens.
More photos of Gásadalur can be found here. It's really quite a beautiful place.Labels: Faroe Islands
Julie is leaving town for a short business trip today, so this week we're posting a series of pictures taken over the last few weeks. As she's sitting in some business hotel or meeting space, she can come here and enjoy a few memories of home. First up is a picture of me and Nate at a recent pool party.
Labels: Faroe Islands
UPDATE: The video described in this post can now be found here.
Labels: journalism, news, work
I doubt I’ll write about September 11th again. Six years on, everything that can be said on the subject has already been said. (Except for, “I’m sorry for using 9/11 as an excuse for an unjustified war against Iraq.” But that’s really hoping for too much.) I know I pretty much wrote my share last year.
So over the past few weeks, Will (left) and Nate (right) have occupied themselves with looking cute.
Labels: Faroe Islands
Labels: politics
Labels: marital bliss
Julie and I keep a clean house, really we do. Here's a typical image of our living room.