Labels: navel gazing
More Mush from the Mind of Matthew Workman: Commentary, Baby Photos, and an Unhealthy Fascination With the Faroe Islands
Labels: navel gazing
This post was supposed to be a series of photos of my friends and I having a great dinner in San Francisco. Alas, the little guys decided to throw a fit rather than enjoy the fun. So alas, no pictures. No dinner, either.
He also nicely captures the feeling of the residential neighborhoods...These photos are all the more notable because of the beautiful light. Torshavn isn't known as a sunny place, and the patches of good weather can be fleeting. Yet somehow List is actually able to capture people taking in the sun.
Even the public art seems to be enjoying the scarce rays of the sun...
A great set of photos. And thanks to Arne for letting me post them here. He's got a lot more great stuff on Flickr.
Next week more news from the Faroes... and a possible scandal? Tune in to find out.
Labels: Faroe Islands
Let us stop and contemplate the word, as spelled out in one of Julie's church-mandated craft projects...
Let us not forget that you can also use those letters to spell...(Couldn't figure out what to do with the "n".)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
The photo uploading feature of this computer just isn't working. So you'll have to settle for this.
Labels: news
We're getting ready to drive down to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. It's about 6 hours. With our kids. Who are two. The last time we took a road trip longer than 90 minutes with those two, we promised ourselves we would never do it again. Now we're doing it again.
We just can't help ourselves. I was hoping to put the blame on someone else, but there's no use. I did it.
I hope you don't take our little bit of fun too personally or feel the need to react with violence, Trish. But before you answer that question, ask yourself, could you hit this face?
Actually, I'm sure you could.
But to be more serious for a moment, I should say for the record that I will miss Trish and the other people I work with very much. They're a top notch batch of journalists and have fostered an atmosphere you don't see in many newsrooms. They made KTVL a nice place to come to work. Kudos to all of you.
And I promise, I left everything else at the station just as I found it.
While the church sign here on the east side of Medford continues to disappoint (they haven't even changed their slogan in three weeks) another church on the west side is picking up the slack. Ms. Jerilyn Hassell Pool (I can't find the link to your site) found this message...
Labels: church signs
The news from the Faroe Islands is a bit thin this week. The internet is abuzz about the Faroe Islands being a part of a loan to Iceland, but you read that here weeks ago.
Labels: Faroe Islands, video
Technical problems are still keeping me from posting pictures today, and demands on my time are keeping November from being as post-tastic as I had planned.
Labels: navel gazing, work
Today's post was to be a series of lovely pics of Nate and Will. Unfortunately, something is wrong with my card reader, and no photos are showing up.
Labels: navel gazing
A little more snooping around the internet has produced evidence of another British news spoof show that appears to be made by the same people who did "Brass Eye."
So I've got this brother-in-law, let's call him "Dave." And he's got a scanner and a blog and an internet connection. He's also got a stack of photos lifted from our childhood.
These pictures are much more dangerous on facebook. Unlike "Dave's" blog, where they can rest in obscurity forever, facebook pictures get tagged with my name. Then they get put in my profile. And that means my friends can see them. Friends who have no idea just what I nerd I was during those dark days of puberty. Now it's out there. It's all out there and there's nothing I can do.
I have no doubt that the photos posted to facebook represent only the tip of the iceberg and I'm not anxious for anything else to surface. So let me send a message to "Dave," if that is your real name: Julie has a scanner, too, and one day I'll learn how to use it. And somewhere, deep in my piles of junk, I've got a prom photo of you. Hmmmm, who was your date that one year? Was it 1986? Perhaps '87? Who was your date that year? Ginger Green? I don't quite recall, but that sounds about right. It would be a shame of such a photo were to find its way onto your profile.
A shame indeed.
I had hoped to write something detailed here tonight, but I've not gotten a good night's sleep in some time and I need to turn in earlier than I normally do.
Labels: navel gazing
Labels: Faroe Islands
Through a random set of circumstances, I've been made aware of a British spoof news program called "Brass Eye." It aired about 10 years ago, and it's quite good.
Today, we offer a short photographic quiz and ask the following question: Which of our children was denied service at Great Clips? Was it Nate?
Labels: little guys, pictures, twins
Labels: politics
Last week I got quite excited by the discovery of a church sign in Medford with a somewhat sassy message. Not quite as good as the quality stuff you find in the South, but it was a start.
(Sign from the church whose name I keep forgetting is lovingly recreated with help from the Church Sign Generator.)
I actually found myself scratching my head at this one for a few moments as I drove down East Main. While I'm sure the pastor is trying to send a message about unconditional giving, I kept trying to find a secret meaning. For instance: "You may have given to the church this week, but that doesn't mean you should expect a quality sermon."
So I'm watching this church sign with great anticipation for this week's new message. The way I see it, this church sign is at a crossroads. It could go into the wonderful world of church sign fun, or it could become bland and predictable. But so help me, I will be so upset if I see "Jesus is the reason for the season" on that sign during the next two months. There's just no excuse for that.
Labels: church signs
Every few hundred posts, I like to take a few moments and take a look back at what's been happening in this space. And this is post number 500. I decided to skip the update on number 400, so we've got some catching up to do.
Looking back at the last 200 posts (it took just less than a year to write them), I see three distinct spikes in traffic. One came last August when I went to a Radiohead show. Any time you mention Radiohead, the fans come flocking, so that's no surprise.
The second spike came in March, when half of my face seized up, courtesy of Bell's Palsy. I'll write more on the subject later this month, but needless to say, palsy is good for web traffic.
But the biggest driver of traffic to this site came came earlier in the year, when I gave a shout out to Mormon writer and performer Elna Baker. I had herd a piece she did on This American Life, and subsequently learned that she's got a lot of talent. It seems a lot of people were looking for information about Elna Baker, because traffic went through the roof. That little profile on her is by far the most read thing I've ever posted on this blog. Nothing else even comes close. Her book, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, will come out next year. It's easily the most searched for term on this site.
And the post actually had real-wold consequences. Some friends in Los Angeles read the post and flew her out to LA for a show. I'm told it went well. I didn't get to go. Oh well.
Shahara Simmons and Patch the Pony are also big drivers of traffic.
As for search terms leading to this site, you'll find the usual suspects: Elna Baker, Shahara Simmons, various spellings of my name. But a new search term star is Thomas Storesund. That's right, my Norwegian buddy Thomas man in demand, if the Internet is to be believed. In the past 11 months, more than 100 people have found their way to this site by searching for the name "Thomas Storesund." Who knew?
Curiously persistent in the search term hierarchy is "My girlfriend is a prostitute." I used the term once when trying to do a white boy translation of a Dr. Dre song. But there are a lot of people searching for information on this topic. So, if your girlfriend is, indeed, prostitute and you've somehow found yourself on this site, please allow me to offer you the following advice: break up. That's just not a healthy situation.
My Faroe Islands project launched some 18 months ago had its greatest success last week with my debuit on Faroese National Radio. Over the last 11 months, several hundred hits from the Faroe Islands have been logged, from at least 200 unique visitors. When you consider there are only 48,000 people that live in the Faroes, that's no small accomplishment. And once again, to my readers on the Faroes, I say, "Hi." I will continue pandering to you for as long as I possibly can.
I end each one of these annual naval gazing sessions the same way, so let's keep the tradition up. This blog started as a writing exercise, then also became a way to keep my parents stocked with baby photos. I don't know who I expected would read this thing, but there is a small band of you out there who don't know me, but read this anyway. I think that's really cool. Thanks for stopping by when you have a chance. I'll keep trying to fill this space with stuff worthy of your attention.
Labels: navel gazing
Many years ago, I was driving down the QEW leaving Toronto. It was about midnight and I was listening to CFNY. On Saturday nights, they used to broadcast from a dance club (RPM?). I was getting sleepy, when the DJ began playing a techno song based solely on the music from Pac-Man. It made me laugh so hard, I nearly drove off the road.
At about 2:00 Tuesday afternoon, I got a phone call from a lawyer turned broadcaster named Elin (pictured above). She asked me several questions about the election and the mood in our little corner of America. Then, she called again 30 minutes later, and that conversation was broadcast live on Faroese National Radio.
And when I got off the phone, I realized something: I'm a foreign correspondent now! Kind of. I've spent my whole journalism career secretly pining for a foreign correspondent gig without ever realizing that my current location was perfectly foreign to somebody else.
It also got me thinking about the power of the Internet. About 18 months ago, I didn't know the Faroe Islands existed. Once I stumbled upon them, I decided to devote a post per week to sharing something about the islands and trying to connect with the people who live there. Now I'm talking to the Faroese over the radio. I'd be lying if I didn't say I think that's just about the coolest thing ever.
This week's Faroe photo comes from Arne List, he also provided the picture of the Faroese broadcast center at the top of this post. It's of the waterfront in Torshavn. Just out of frame to the left is the home of Radio 2. I wasn't on the air at Radio 2, but they've got a great view from their studio. The blue building is the home of Samvit, which is a combination of the Faroe Islands Tourism Board and their business development organization. I know some people who work there now. They're good people.
And as for the people at Faroese National Radio, feel free to call me anytime.
Labels: Faroe Islands
Labels: politics
Labels: politics
Labels: politics
Labels: little guys, pictures, twins